Tanmatra Ayurveda

Brazil Nut: ‘Super’ for Everyone with Thyroid Dysfunction?

Everything under the sun, including stone, is rich in one vitamin or mineral, but before you reach out for something called a superfood, here’s a question you should ask yourself: ‘How well can it be metabolised?’ Simply put, is your digestion strong enough to absorb it?  

All nuts and most seeds are Vata pacifying in general. They are oily, nutrient rich, and they offer a power-packed combination of proteins and fats that is highly beneficial to Vata. At the same time these said nuts and seeds are quite heavy and should be eaten in small quantities so as not to overwhelm Vata’s fickle digestive capacity.

Brazil nuts are now a superfood everyone thinks they ought to have. You might have probably seen them in bowls of mixed nuts – large, oblong and when you crack open their tough triangular shells, a smooth texture and almost buttery taste awaits. Obtained from the Bertholletia tree which thrives in the Amazon rainforest, these unusual looking Brazil nuts top the list of ‘Superfoods for Thyroid’.

High in selenium, micronutrients in the nuts ensure a healthy thyroid which help to keep your immune system functioning at its best. The thyroid gland, small and butterfly-shaped, situated at the base of the neck, secretes essential hormones for growth, metabolism and body temperature regulation. The thyroid gland is concentrated in selenium. It is utilised for the production of thyroid hormones as well as proteins that protect your thyroid from cellular damage. Having an adequate amount of selenium in your diet can help reduce the risk of Hashimoto’s disease, Graves’ disease and thyroid cancer. 

Is the Brazil nut actually good for everybody with thyroid dysfunction?

The answer is ‘No’, because bio-availability of the nut is compromised in those with

  • Delayed metabolism
  • Inflammation and painful joints
  • Severe fatigue and heaviness

Post anti-inflammatory management, the Brazil nut is recommended, as it: 

  • Nourishes your thyroid gland
  • Improves your immunity
  • Enhances the functioning of the brain

So how to consume it for best results?

  • After roasting it with pink salt, as an evening snack.
  • One Brazil nut a day, for ample quantity of selenium, to promote proper thyroid functioning.
  • Pairing it with a cup of warm herbal tea aids in better digestion and can prevent any inflammatory changes that can arise due to indigestion.


  • For Vata people – with 1 cup of cumin herbal tea.
  • For Pitta people – with 1 cup of fennel and coriander herbal tea.
  • For Kapha people – with 1 cup of dried ginger boiled herbal tea.

A word of caution: Nuts can be a little heavy to digest so it is important to know how to consume so that the body can use them effectively. If you are on a light diet to reduce ama or inflammation, then it is best to avoid nuts. Always ensure good agni (sound gut health) before moving to heavier foods like nuts.

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