Tanmatra Ayurveda

Thyroid symptoms in women: Why you should pay attention


While the brain and heart attract a lot of attention, there are still other significant organs such as the small butterfly-shaped thyroid gland that can create havoc if left unattended despite symptoms. Located at the base of the neck, it is not to be mistaken with the Adam’s apple which is found above the gland. The all-important thyroid hormone, produced by the thyroid gland, controls factors such as the pace of your heart beat, apart from metabolism, as it travels through the bloodstream. According to the American Thyroid Association, about 1 in every 8 women will suffer from thyroid illness during her lifetime. Yet, it can often take years before a thyroid disorder is diagnosed in women. 

The reason? Her being overwhelmed by responsibilities at work or the homefront. The symptoms would have been there all along, but conditioned to put her own needs on the backburner, the fatigue, hair fall, palpitations would have all been attributed to some external factor or the other – the daily grind, a sedentary lifestyle, loss of a loved one, etc. Most times, the changes are also dismissed as part of the monthly appearance of PMS. 

But it needn’t be long before the irritability and anxiety become a part of her personality, straining relationships, causing rifts and most importantly, a disconnect for the person herself, from who she really used to be.

What are the various thyroid symptoms in women? The symptoms vary depending on whether the condition is hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, Hashimoto’s Disease, Grave’s Disease, thyroid nodules or cancer:

  • Drastic weight gain or weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Palpitations
  • Chills
  • Hyperactivity
  • Sluggishness
  • Lethargy
  • Sleepiness
  • Losing temper
  • Erratic menstrual cycle
  • Water retention
Thyroid treatment at Tanmtra ayurveda, Thyroid in women

For women, it might be shifts in the menstrual cycle or complications related to pregnancy that lead to a diagnosis. It is best advised to not wait till the body is completely fatigued as all it takes is a blood test to check if there is a thyroid disorder that needs correction. The sooner that treatment can begin, the better, as such disorders can entirely throw normal life offtrack. 

Experiencing any thyroid symptoms or wanting to learn more? Book an online/offline consultation

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